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Del's lemonade is a Rhode Island brand, established in 1948. Del's beverages are made based on natural ingredients and extracts. The new beverage line, Del's Seltzer, is being launched with the trendy flavors Yuzu, Bergamot, and Calamansi. The characters with Del's retro brand identity are created to give a fun impression and are targeting the youth group. Since the flavors could be unfamiliar to the public, illustrations of the fruits are put next to the character to describe them visually. The combination of the white background with bubbles and light colors of stripes are representing Dels flavored seltzer.

The animation has the character from the packaging driving the Del's truck loaded with the citruses used in the products. Overall it continues the fun and friendly mood with the colors, sound effects, and the background music. The three cans are constantly changing the label to show all three flavors. Water splashing in the end emphasizes the sparkle in the water in a fun way.

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